The movement always gets me out of a stuck situation
“In the seventies I was eager to learn what was practiced in India, but I was not willing to bow down to a guru. This got me thrown out of several ashrams!”
Stretching Body and Mind
Lillith has taught generations of men and women how to take care of their own bodies. Under her guidance students learn how stretching changes the way they move and think. Those who face pain learn to understand how to work with it and how to move more freely.
Dancers, managers, parents, writers, those who had always had a stiff back, people who have recovered from injury, yoga teachers – all join in at the lessons and become part of an alumni community that stretches across continents. Applying her knowledge to the critical moments at the beginning of life, Lillith has helped 20.000 mothers, fathers, birth partners and babies prepare for birthing.
Lillith is getting more and more interested in the nature of things. The invisible of the visible, the words not spoken, the lines not written, the thoughts not thought. These are the fruits of a lifelong dedication to movement development, traveling around the world, living in different countries, speaking multiple languages, getting dirty and tired in her garden, and being stung by her bees.
It’s all about movement
not about posture
Living the Life of a Learner
Lillith’s education spans business, art, nursing, movement and yoga. She has studied Western and traditional medicine in Austria, the UK, India and the Netherlands.
In her ongoing professional education, she has focused on the development of movement in humans. This led to her interest in embodiment – a new medical approach to body work that uses what we now know about the importance of early childhood reflexes.
As a therapist, Lillith has developed various specialisms. She is one of a handful of practitioners in the Netherlands who is trained in chirophonetics and she is the only expert in Bothmer Movement.
Part of the Awakening of the West
Lillith’s practice has grown alongside the wider Western culture’s interest in developmental movement. She is part of the history of yoga and movement therapy in the Netherlands, as a practitioner, teacher and innovator.
Besides the Stretch Movement Online Lessons, Studio and Online Workshops Intensives, Pregnancy & Childbirth Guidance and Therapy sessions, Lillith hosts learning events for related professions and established in 2023 a 3-year Teacher Training Programme in Stretch Movement Dimensions with – qualified and experienced osteopath – Quentin Shaw.
As a master in her own profession, Lillith now takes up the work of creating a knowledge legacy by training, coaching and mentoring the next generation of educators.